What to look for in a GOOD person
l Kind
ll Friendly
lll They want the best for others
llll Do not try to harm others (with words, violence, or other ways)
llll Gives compliments
llll Curious about others
llll ll Trustworthy
llll lll Willing to listen
llll llll Willing to talk
llll llll They genuinely like other people.
POD taken June 7, 2022
This is a tiny, incomplete list of qualities that make a person GOOD. With inclusivity being a keyword in today's society... it starts with how we treat others. Including, our family, our parents, our children, our siblings, our coworkers, people who work at places we frequinet, strangers on the street, and (probably one of the most important) how we treat people online. Inclusivity is not just about accepting another person's race, gender, or sexual orientation- it is about accepting people. Being OK with how others want to express themselves. Not trying to put other's down.