How do you know THIS is, FOR SURE, your first grown-up-person dog?
l He is still with you after 6 months… and not on an ‘extended visit’ with your mom.
ll You buy him pajamas, a dog hut, play yard, and hundreds of dollars in other things.
lll You let him have a couple of licks of liquor at the New Year’s party at your house, but stop before it is too much.
llll You get him after you have made a commitment-
To a partner
Or job
Or place
Or adult life
llll You have had him long enough that you need to get him a doggy friend. llll l He is the dog to practice on before you have kids.
llll ll And, he lasts long enough to actually meet and get to know your human children. ❤️
Photo of the day- taken May 1, 2017. This is Tiki. He WAS my first grown-up person dog. I had a few others as a young adult. Beagles to be specific. But, they did not last. It is not that I intended on not keeping them, it is that when you are young- you do not consider the commitment of 10-15 years down the road. It is not a bad thing... kids, young adults, and sometimes older adults live in the now- the present!! But, that does not make for good planning when you get a dog or get married or take a job.
Tiki was still alive when each of my kids were born. That will always make him exra special. And, yes, I did get him a doggy friend, and a doggy hut (more like a dog tent).